Area Of Regular Polygons Answer Key

Area of regular polygons answer key – Dive into the fascinating realm of regular polygons, where symmetry and geometry intertwine! This comprehensive guide to the area of regular polygons serves as your ultimate answer key, unlocking the secrets of these captivating shapes. Prepare to unravel the mysteries of calculating their areas, exploring special cases, and discovering their practical applications.

Let the journey begin!

Regular polygons, with their precise angles and equal sides, have captivated mathematicians and artists for centuries. Understanding their areas is crucial in various fields, from architecture to engineering. This guide will provide a thorough understanding of the concept, empowering you to tackle any problem involving regular polygons.


Regular polygons are two-dimensional shapes with straight sides of equal length and equal interior angles. They possess a high degree of symmetry and exhibit properties that distinguish them from other polygons.The area of a regular polygon is a measure of the space enclosed within its boundaries.

It represents the amount of surface area occupied by the polygon and is a fundamental property used in various geometric calculations.

Formula for Area of Regular Polygons: Area Of Regular Polygons Answer Key

In geometry, the area of a regular polygon is the measure of the two-dimensional space enclosed by its sides. The formula for calculating the area of a regular polygon is:

Area = (1/2) × Perimeter × Apothem


  • Perimeter is the sum of the lengths of all sides of the polygon.
  • Apothem is the perpendicular distance from the center of the polygon to any of its sides.

For example, the area of a regular hexagon with a side length of 6 cm and an apothem of 5 cm can be calculated as:

Area = (1/2) × 6 cm × 5 cm = 15 cm2

Special Cases

Regular polygons have specific shapes and properties that allow for special considerations in calculating their areas. Some common special cases include equilateral triangles, squares, and hexagons.

The area formula for regular polygons can be applied to these special cases with slight modifications.

Equilateral Triangles

Equilateral triangles have three equal sides and three equal angles. The area formula for an equilateral triangle is:

A = (√3 / 4)


where s is the length of one side.


Squares have four equal sides and four right angles. The area formula for a square is:

A = s^2

where s is the length of one side.


Hexagons have six equal sides and six equal angles. The area formula for a hexagon is:

A = (3√3 / 2)


where s is the length of one side.


The formula for the area of regular polygons finds extensive applications in various fields, including architecture, engineering, and design.

Understanding the area of regular polygons is crucial for determining the space they occupy, optimizing their placement, and ensuring structural integrity in various applications.

Architecture, Area of regular polygons answer key

In architecture, the area of regular polygons is used to calculate the floor space, room dimensions, and overall size of buildings.

  • Architects utilize the formula to design rooms with specific areas, ensuring optimal space utilization and functionality.
  • By calculating the area of polygonal roofs, architects can determine the amount of roofing material required, optimizing costs and ensuring weatherproofing.


In engineering, the area of regular polygons is used to design and analyze structures, bridges, and other infrastructure.

  • Engineers use the formula to calculate the surface area of beams, columns, and other structural components, ensuring they can withstand the required loads.
  • By determining the area of polygonal plates, engineers can analyze their stress distribution and predict their behavior under various conditions.


In design, the area of regular polygons is used to create visually appealing and functional patterns, logos, and artwork.

  • Graphic designers use the formula to determine the size and spacing of polygonal shapes, creating visually balanced and aesthetically pleasing designs.
  • Interior designers utilize the area of polygons to plan room layouts, optimize furniture placement, and create harmonious spaces.


The area formula for regular polygons can be extended to calculate the area of sectors and segments of circles, which are related to regular polygons.

A sectoris a region bounded by two radii and an arc of a circle. A segmentis a region bounded by a chord and an arc of a circle.

Central Angle and Arc Length

To calculate the area of a sector or segment, we need to understand the concepts of central angleand arc length.

The central angleis the angle formed by the two radii that bound the sector. The arc lengthis the distance along the circle’s circumference between the endpoints of the arc.

Area of a Sector

The area of a sector is a fraction of the area of the entire circle. The fraction is determined by the ratio of the central angle to the total angle of the circle (360 degrees).

The formula for the area of a sector is:

A = (θ/360)



  • A is the area of the sector
  • θ is the central angle in degrees
  • r is the radius of the circle

Area of a Segment

The area of a segment is the area of the sector minus the area of the triangle formed by the chord and the two radii.

The formula for the area of a segment is:

A = (θ/360)

  • πr²
  • (1/2)
  • sin(θ)


  • A is the area of the segment
  • θ is the central angle in degrees
  • r is the radius of the circle

FAQ Corner

What is the formula for the area of a regular polygon?

Area = (1/2) x Perimeter x Apothem

How do I calculate the area of an equilateral triangle?

Area = (√3/4) x Side^2

What is the area of a regular hexagon with a side length of 5 cm?

Area ≈ 64.95 cm^2

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